Opportunities & Training

Carbon Literacy Training
Our Carbon Literacy Course for Events offers an accessible and interactive education on how festivals and outdoor events can begin, or further reduce their carbon emissions, and look after people and the planet. A carbon literacy certification will be awarded on completion of the two-day course.
The course can be booked here now, with dates available across December and January, and costs £200 per person. More dates will be released soon and discounts are available for organisations wishing to train over 4 people per course.
The course has been developed with The Carbon Literacy Project, which was recognised as one of 100 worldwide Transformative Action Programs at the UN at COP21, in Paris. Day one consists of education, accessible teachings about the climate crisis, the science around climate change, how this relates to events, and what needs to be done to reduce global warming. Day two is all about action, empowering you on how you can make a difference, as an individual, as a group working on an event, as an event organiser and as a community.
Two fully subsidised places are offered per course, for those on a low income and living in Manchester, as part of helping Manchester to become a Carbon Literate City.
Upcoming course dates:
(click dates to register interest)
Please email contact@decordiaevents.com for more information.
“Learning with Decordia provided me with a comprehensive understanding of our impact on the environment, both as a professional working within the events sector, as well as personally on a day to day basis. As a result of the carbon literacy course, not only do I now have a stark awareness of the environmental issues and challenges we face but, in a more hopeful light, I am also now equipped with the tools and knowledge to assess my work and actively seek sustainable solutions moving forwards.”
Katy Roberts, Freelance Theatre Designer
Current Vacancies- Site Crew
We’re looking to expand our network of freelancers for events coming up from May 2025 onwards.
We are particularly interested in experienced site crew.
We would also like to hear from riggers and plant drivers. Very competitive rates available based on experience.
Work experience placements for Summer 2025 are now open. These placements are open to anyone interested in gaining some experience working in the exciting events industry. No previous experience necessary.
Please send a CV and cover letter to contact@decordiaevents.com – or pop in for a cuppa!